Improve Your Air Quality in 5 Easy Steps

People working in office

Air quality, comfort, and energy efficiency are highly important to the overall health and operation of your commercial building. Since your occupants will be spending a great deal of time in this building (many Americans actually spend up to 90% of their time indoors), it’s vital to keep the space safe and healthy.

Here are 5 easy ways you can help improve the indoor air quality in a commercial building:

Line Drawing Picture of Building with Icons Pointing out Air Systems

Begin at Ground Zero

If you are not moving into a commercial space, but constructing from scratch, it is important to find a mechanical contractor that will provide exceptional airflow. Choose a contractor that will pay attention to details, while providing high-quality HVAC systems.

If you are moving into an already existing commercial building, make sure to assess the building’s current condition. You can do this by hiring an expert to review the HVAC design and operation, such as identifying potential pollutant sources.


Go Geothermal

If you are starting at ground zero, we highly recommend you go green using geothermal energy. Geothermal energy offers many benefits, but a big one is providing a healthier and safer indoor environment for occupants. Geothermal energy also adds an incredible amount of value to a building and can help your building achieve LEED status as well.

Dirty air duct fan vent.
Take Action Against Pollutant Sources

When you are up and running in your new and improved commercial building, one of the easiest steps you can take to maintain great air quality is removing pollutant sources. It can be as simple as banning hazardous pest control materials or hiring an expert to regularly inspect your HVAC system.

Staying on top of regular cleaning can also help to reduce allergens and pollutants in your office or building. Just a little more effort daily can ensure an even greater reward!

Cleaning Supplies
Purchase Responsibly

Every commercial building or office space needs certain supplies to run effectively. However, if you take the time to consider your HVAC needs when making a purchase, you’re taking another step to improve the building’s future air quality.

It’s important when buying anything from cleaning products, to office furnishings, to electronics to ask about what emissions they could produce. Will they have underlying respiratory hazards? Be an informed consumer!

HVAC Technician working on wires
Test for Assurance

Good indoor air quality is not just a given, it has to be maintained. If you can, take the time and effort to schedule indoor air quality audits to help monitor contaminant levels. These audits could even help your building achieve LEED credits! However, whether you have an audit performed or not, remember, air quality is an investment that needs attention and frequent surveillance.

Take these 5 easy steps into consideration when you are building or choosing a commercial building. Air quality is not something to put aside, especially when we spend the majority of our time indoors. Your occupants will be thankful they are working in a healthy, safe, and environmentally sound workspace!

To learn more about indoor air quality and how our team at Custom Aire can help, contact us today.

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